
Help us do more

We’re a nonprofit that relies on support from people like you. Please help us continue to better our educational resources available for free to all service members, forever.

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Every dollar donated to NSI goes towards the development of educational and motivational resources designed specifically to enable service members to make the transition from military service to higher education. This includes matters such as our educational Video Series, Campus Tours, Academic Counseling, Podcasts, Discords, and Blogs/News.

There’s not a single dollar that goes towards salaries. Every single team member at NSI is unpaid and volunteers solely out of their passion for helping service members pursue higher education. That means every penny you donate goes towards producing our educational Video Series, Campus Tours, Academic Counseling, Podcasts, Discords, and Blogs/News.

If you’re interested in making a larger donation and wish to avoid transaction fees, we ask you reach out to, and we’ll be happy to set up the most appropriate method to collect your charity.

Absolutely. After making the donation — or beforehand — email, and we’ll be happy to accommodate your request.

If you’re interested in donating your services please reach out to