Take the next steptext underline towards higher education

Free admissions educational resources are available to service members through our online platform.

Our Mission

We are a team of student veterans dedicated to helping service members transition from the enlisted ranks into our nation's top text underline colleges.

Campus Representatives

Our reps have been there and are here to help

Chat with passionate service members who have been in your boots.

Donors & Partners

Our supporters who
empower text-underline change


The things we wish we would have known

We’ve built a library of on-demand resources to support you through your college admissions process.


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Service member stories and the latest news

Tools for Adapting to a Successful College Lifestyle

After five years of service, I decided that it was time to leave the military and pursue a career in medicine. The reason for leaving the military varies for each person; however, I can say, anecdotally speaking, many individuals hold a level of uncertainty and doubt when attempting to solidify their choice to discharge.

Brown’s Romantic Curriculum

Veterans begin their journey in higher education for different reasons. I can’t speak for every veteran, but if you are a veteran searching for a romantic campus, consider applying to Brown because no academic programs are more romantic than the open curriculum.

Never Assume

One of my favorite teachers at the Lutheran elementary school I attended had a habit of repeating a specific phrase out loud when things didn’t go according to expectation: “Never assume.” It’s been burned into my memory, and now I repeat the same phrase out loud to myself.


Help us do more

We’re a nonprofit that relies on support from people like you. Please help us continue to better our educational resources available for free to all service members, forever.